nadine at home kids.jpg


I'm Nadine. Thanks for stopping by. The floors are creaky, the kids are loud, but the door's always open and the coffee's always on.

Make yourself at home.

Identity Crisis

Me: "Why do I want to become a gay man?!" This morning, I asked Matthew if I could get this haircut:

(Okay, so I like all girlie versions of the cut, too.)

The answer from my Mr. Right: "No, thank you."

Later, I mentioned that I wanted this cardigan:

And I may have commented that I really want one of these fine gentlemen to shop with me:

This quickly led to an uncomfortable round of "Would You Rather"?

Me: "Would you rather I had a man's body and woman's head, or a woman's body and man's head?"

Matt: "I'm not playing this game."

Me: "What?! Why not?"

Matt: "Because you'll use my answer to your advantage...and chop your hair off."

Smart man.

Six months!

Home Cooking: Fish Tacos