Weekend Reading Vol. 24: Bold Women, Optimistic Aging and Cinderella
Print by Tom Gauld
Gilbert woke up around midnight with a fever. And he cried. And cried. And cried. And then fell asleep nursing — and remained fiercely latched on until morning. Which means I woke up* with a sore back, arm and boob.
*translation = barely slept
Why do people pay for bootcamp? Have a baby and you can put your body through the ringer for free.
If you (unlike me) can see straight this weekend, here’s some stuff to read. Otherwise, go back to bed.
The Tiny Blond Bible Teacher Taking on the Evangelical Political Machine (The Atlantic)
“What I feel a little sorry for, looking back over my shoulder, is how often I apologized for being there.”
The Ever-Evolving Feminism of Cinderella (The Mary Sue)
Cinderella is a big deal around here.
“Kindness, just as much as any heroic victory in battle, can save the world.”
Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong (Huffington Post)
An important read. (Thanks for the recommendation, Beth!)
In Conversation: Emma Thompson (Vulture)
On aging:
“When you get older it’s much easier to hold onto that appreciation because you’re more mortal. I want to enjoy every minute and use the wisdom that I’ve accrued whilst acknowledging my fallibility and the continuance of all sorts of foolishness. It’s so enjoyable to be alive in this state…I hope it makes you feel optimistic about your own aging. So many young people are confused and unhappy. All the demands and the judgments and the better-than, less-than culture — it’s fucking disastrous. Although we mustn’t get gloomy. Lots of things are better today: dentistry.”
And this: This Is the Age When Your Self-Esteem Peaks (The Cut)
Good news, folks. We haven’t peaked yet! (Unless you’re, like, 90. In which case, why are you reading this and not drinking champagne on a rooftop somewhere?! ‘Cause that’s what I’m doing from 90 on.)