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I'm Nadine. Thanks for stopping by. The floors are creaky, the kids are loud, but the door's always open and the coffee's always on.

Make yourself at home.

Weekend Reading Vol 16: Sleepless in Seattle Turns 25

Weekend Reading Vol 16: Sleepless in Seattle Turns 25

meg ryan tom hanks
meg ryan tom hanks

These two. Sigh. (I still want her hair.)

So. It feels like I haven't slept in approximately 23 years. (Really, it's only three years. Not bad, right?) And as I type, a little boy is crying in his crib, apparently getting all of his teeth in one month. My husband is working like a maniac — yes, it's almost midnight and this is, unfortunately, the new normal — and our only good sleeper will probably wake up way too early to watch cartoons and eat grapes. Always grapes. And always cartoons. Even during the World Cup.

Anywho. I digress.

Here's what I've been reading when my tired eyes have been kind enough to focus for a minute or two:

Sleepless in Seattle: Rita Wilson improvised part of her Affair to Remember monologue. This movie just turned 25. I still love it. Also, I'm old. (EW)

Related: 9 Things You Never Knew About Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan’s ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ (moviefone)

I Stop Celebrities From Blowing Their Money. A fascinating read. I always wondered how celebrities paid their utility bills. No, really, I think about this stuff. This is why I'm tired. My brain cares about everything. (The Cut)

Read This Story and Get Happier. Seriously. Read this. This part about time affluence vs. money affluence is fascinating — and convicting. (The Cut)

A Week of Outfits: Stella Blackmon, I would wear every single outfit. Note: I'm currently wearing an old tee that appears to have paint on the shoulder. I've never painted in it. (Cup of Jo)

Mandy Moore Takes AD Inside Her Dreamy 1950s Home. I love Mandy. Always have, always will.  (Architectural Digest)

Winners of the 2018 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest.  Photos are easier than words when you're tired. And these photos tell more than a thousand of them. (The Atlantic)

This Miracle Stain Remover is My Best $6 Secret. I need to try this. Stain removal is my superpower. (Apartment Therapy)

Read anything good (online) lately, friends?

House Inspiration: Peppa Pig's Living Room

House Inspiration: Peppa Pig's Living Room

Three Years Old!

Three Years Old!